Mudae Disable Tags (2025)

1. Disable | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

  • Guide to disablelists · 4. What does it mean to...

  • Disabling is a way to remove certain characters from your rolls. A guide written by SleepyRanger#2058 and edited by Ozzy. "I've noticed that only a small fraction of people have disable lists, which means no matter how much a server resets the same people will be top every time. That's why I've decided to take some time to explain disable lists. This will be quite long so you can ignore if you want, but for those of you who want a better chance at rolling their wishes read the WHOLE thing." Note

2. Largest bundles and series | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

  • 29 aug 2022 · When creating a disable list, remember that certain bundles are largely or exclusively found under other bundles. As an example, Weekly Shounen ...

  • A list of the largest series/bundles, primarily $disable-ing purposes in Gamemode 1. These commands should be used in addition to the list to help you create your disablelist. For more information, please see A guide to disable lists. $imat can show how many of each type of character is inside the bundle (the additional resources can also show this without having to use the command) $imatx or $imatx- shows how many you have or haven't disabled from the b

3. Mudae Disablelist Builder

  • Interactive UI for building efficient Mudae disablelists.

  • Interactive UI for building efficient Mudae disablelists

4. How to Clear Disable List in Mudae - Alphr

5. Mudae Disablelist Generator

  • Disablelist Generator. Notes. Database Last updated: 9/11/2024 at 8:02:46 AM PDT. Settings. Slots. Overlap. Roulette ... Hentai Disturbing Child Tag. Generate.

  • Instantly create a custom disablelist based on your settings

6. Mudae Discord Bot - Invite, Vote & Status -

  • $disable: Disable a series from YOUR rolls. $antidisable: Prevent the ... tag>, $mm serv , $mm abc. Example: $mmwr Re:Zero. Bot Status. Mudae's ...

  • Helpful information about Mudae Discord bot, including Mudae commands, invite link, support server and reviews. We also provide message previews for Mudae responses.

7. how to remove from disable list mudae & how to rem - Kwai

8. MUDAE on Tumblr

  • I'm checking my disablelist which lets you disable certain groups of characters with a low limit. ... tagged that you're weird#fortnite#meow skulls#i want ...

  • See a recent post on Tumblr from @letmeliveinelfhame about MUDAE. Discover more posts about MUDAE.

9. 2024 Cracker barrel wilmington nc

  • Click this now to. Mudae disable tags. Cracker Barrel in Wilmington, NC Default; Distance; Rating; Name (A - Z) 1. See the full schedule. ….three louisiana ...

  • 404

10. 【Discord】Mudamaid 老婆抽獎機器人- HackMD

  • title: "【Discord】Mudamaid 老婆抽獎機器人" date: 2020-08-08 20:40:21 tags: Discord description: "Mudae 是一個擁有超過60000 隻角色卡池的轉蛋遊戲機器人,玩家 ...

  • Mudae 是一個擁有超過 60000 隻角色卡池的轉蛋遊戲機器人,玩家可將轉出的角色選進自己的後宮、替他們挑選大頭貼或是取別名,也可用以交易取得水晶,強化自己的轉蛋能力,還能在老婆鬥技場裡與其它人一較高下!

11. Bongo Commands - Discord Bot -

  • ... tag | tags. ❯ TEMPLATES 1. achievement | america | ascii | bazinga | blur ... Mudae icon. Mudae. Soccer Guru icon. Soccer Guru. Additional Bots.

  • For Bongo Discord bot we currently have help message previews, 0 bot commands and 0 slash commands. Bongo's default prefix is "b.".

12. Sofi

  • A fun card collecting and battling game with over 40000 characters to collect. It contains cards from anime, k-pop, pc games, pokemon, cartoons, ...

  • A fun card collecting and battling game with over 40,000 characters to collect. It contains cards from anime, k-pop, pc games, pokemon, cartoons, original characters, and much more

13. How to Enable or Disable Developer Mode on Discord (2022) | Beebom

  • 10 mrt 2022 · We also separate guides to help you get an invisible Discord name and avatar and make a Discord channel read-only. #Tags. #Discord · Subin B.

  • Did you know that Discord has a developer mode? Follow the steps in this guide to easily enable or disable developer mode on Discord.

Mudae Disable Tags (2025)


What does disable list do in mudae? ›

A disable list is a list of series or bundles (bundles meaning animation studios or genres, that contain multiple series inside them, hence the name bundle) that are BLOCKED from your rolls, meaning you CANNOT roll them. When you disable characters, you remove them from your rolling pool.

How to disable Limroul Mudae? ›

Using the command $limroul, you can disable all but the most popular characters in each roulette based on their claim ranks. The 7000 7000 4000 4000 numbers are the default minimum number of characters you can have in each roulette, if the player does not have any upgrades.

What is $ha in mudae? ›

$ha: Roll a husbando from animanga. (/ha) $hg: Roll a husbando from games.

How to disable western mudae? ›

It represents all Western animanga series in Mudae, but it does not cover games. It is the largest bundle in Mudae. It can be disabled completely with the personal command $togglewestern.

Can you give unclaimed characters in Mudae? ›

$givecustom is the ONLY command for giving someone an unclaimed character. There is no way to give non-custom characters in this way.

What is the use of keys in Mudae? ›

Unlock the full capacities of your waifu/husbando! Each time you roll a character owned by yourself, the key level of that character is increased by 1. If you roll your own claimed character 10 times, the character becomes your Soulmate.

Which gamemode is better, Mudae? ›

Mudae world instance 2 is that, there are regular full resets and rewards based on how you do. Because the seasons are short, a fast gamemode like 2 is more fitting to not waste people's time. (imo) so if you do regular resets maybe you wanna go down that route, and make general be the gamemode 1 instance.

What is the point of kakera Mudae? ›

Kakera are the currency used in Mudae. They look like little crystals of different colors, with each color usually representing a different value. Kakera can be used to get bonuses on Mudae, such as enhanced wishlists, enhanced rolling experience or the possibility to get cosmetic badges.

How do I disable player premium in Mudae? ›

You can disable your player premium in specific servers or instances with $toggleplayerpremium. Patreon T2 role in Mudae's main server (role removed at the same time as your pledge)

Can you transfer your harem in Mudae? ›

I want to move my harem to a new server, how? Two ways: You can use $haremcopy and/or $kakeracopy if you have Player Premium II. Or, you can copy your soulmates over using $soulcopy. Note that the server has to be sufficiently new (Mudae has to have been invited in the last 30 days) or else a transfer is impossible.

What is the point of Mudae? ›

Mudae is a Discord-based entertainment bot and the focus of this Wiki. Created by Saya, Mudae specializes in hosting a variety of multiplayer games, including a gacha character roulette, word games, a Pokémon roulette and many other command based events.

What is the difference between claim rank and like rank in Mudae? ›

Claim ranking is based on the first 10 characters in each active user's harem ($mm). Other characters in a user's harem are not counted. Users should use $sortmarry to put their ten favorite characters first. Like ranks are determined by the global number of likes for each character ($like).

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.